LOOKING TO SEE by Bronwyn Teesdale & Linda Senhenn
OPENING EVENT: Sunday 12 Jan - 2 to3.30pm
I have painted with various mediums most of my life but the last few years have settled on water based pigment for its fluidity and ability to enhances my work in unexpected ways. The ochre based works were totally up to the pigment to decide on the outcome. I had no preconceived idea at all. Even with the more traditional watercolours the paint blends and moves with a life of its own.
My interest and working life has always been the environment and my paintings try to demonstrate the beauty all around us if you can look to see it.
Lindy and I have been involved in art groups and exhibited together before and although our work is very different the variety gives an interest for everyone.
Living a sustainable life for me is a ‘thread’ thing. Threads are essential and my art pieces are sculpturedaround threads of recycling, reusing and reforming.These textile forms are held together by threads which areused to bind, hold, weave or for decoration.
Thirty years ago I started tearing, twirling and trussingscraps of my clothes into woven 3D forms, influenced byplaces I have lived: urban Melbourne, remote NorthernTerritory as well as Bass Coast.
In this exhibition I have reused everything: weft threadsand fabric; paper carry bags in weavings; boxes andbaskets made from paper resourced from encyclopaedia; found objects as stencils for mono prints.
I wish to express the rawness and edginess I feel aboutclimate change as it affects our natural world and my frustrations as a human to deal with society’s waste.
Changing form, structure or function of a material withan aim to conceal, to play…this is integral to my work.
Linda Senhenn 11/2024
contact: 0438859254