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Julie Ward ARTsea - Her passion for the Ocean - Works in Oils


 'Julie Ward ARTsea'

Her Passion for the Ocean

Works in Oils


Julie Ward, nee Stephenson, was born in Sale and at the age of fifteen was quite suddenly diagnosed legally blind. After much determination and many specialists, she was fitted with haptic lenses covering the entire surface of each eye, giving good vision for a limited time each day. Then began her adventure with studying music at the University of Melbourne. With a degree and a husband from New Zealand, she returned to Sale to live at Airly on a dairy farm just five minutes from Stratford. The Principal of Gippsland Grammar School invited Julie to actually come and teach Art, …..oh and some music! She soon became the inaugural Director of Music, establishing the department and its fine reputation, teaching there for twenty-five years. Painting was sidelined as a hobby. During this time her eyes began to deteriorate more, and corneal grafts became the next stage to retain vision. It”s no wonder Julie paints with bold strokes and strong colours. Forever grateful to the breast cancer victim who donated the first graft, and to the other unknown donor, Julie is an avid supporter of all possible organ donation. In the last twenty years Julie”s spare time has been absorbed by her love of art. She has a studio at Seaspray on the Ninety Mile Beach where she delights in portraying the much loved beach and ocean. Every Easter she has the annual Art Show in the Seaspray Hall, originally a duo exhibition with her friend and fellow artist, Sue Cox, now deceased. Julie”s sister, Margaret O’Brien, has become her invaluable partner in this regular Easter Art event. At her home studio in Airly, portraiture is an enticing challenge to extend her development as an artist. Julie is always wanting to learn more. Her memories of “sitting” for the well-known local Giffard artist, Edna Gooding, definitely ignited her interest. Visiting art galleries in many parts of the world was an inspiration too. With Ben Quilty one of her favorite Australian artists, Julie enjoys bold strokes, juxtaposition of strong colours and using large canvases. She has painted five entries for the Yarram Archies, all local characters; particularly Judith Summers, of Yarram Eisteddfod fame. Julie paints landscapes/seascapes and enjoys the freedom of abstracts. At the moment she has a series of animal heads called “In Your Face.” at Jack’s Country Bakery in Sale, Gumtree scenes at the Criterion Hotel in Sale, the Easter Art Show at Seaspray Hall and an exhibition on the first weekend in November at the Golden Beach Hall. It is with much delight that Julie offers her interpretations of her love of the ocean in this exhibition, ‘Julie Ward Art-sea” at Yarram Court House Gallery. All the artist's work is for sale and visitors are also most welcome at Artsea Studio Seaspray, and the Julie Ward School of Music, Foster St Sale. Facebook, Julie Ward Art or Google Julie Ward Art-sea. 0428673423

Artworks on display

Hanging Day/Opening Night